
military personnel

발음:   military personnel 예문


예문 더보기:   다음>
  1. Military personnel have been deployed all across the city.
    시노다야마와 야오시에서 투입된 공군 방위군이 도시에 배치되어..
  2. Every road block we dodged had military personnel still in uniform.
    우리가 피해다닌 모든 검문소에는 여전히 군복을 입은 군인들이 있었습니다
  3. There are active military personnel with RIFT.
    현역 군인들이 리프트와 함께하고 있어
  4. We should check long-term mental facilities and prisons, even recently discharged military personnel.
    그래, 정신병원, 감옥에서 나오거나 최근 제대한 사람까지 확인해 봐야해
  5. I can't. It's strictly military personnel.
    군인만 출입 할수 있어요

기타 단어

  1. "military patrol competitors at the 1924 winter olympics" 뜻
  2. "military patrol competitors at the 1928 winter olympics" 뜻
  3. "military patrol competitors at the 1936 winter olympics" 뜻
  4. "military patrol competitors at the 1948 winter olympics" 뜻
  5. "military personal equipment" 뜻
  6. "military personnel by branch" 뜻
  7. "military personnel by century" 뜻
  8. "military personnel by continent" 뜻
  9. "military personnel by former country" 뜻
  10. "military patrol competitors at the 1948 winter olympics" 뜻
  11. "military personal equipment" 뜻
  12. "military personnel by branch" 뜻
  13. "military personnel by century" 뜻